Step 1: The sample is placed in a capillary tube Bowl which contain buffers, PrepGem extraction enzyme, and Molecular Beacons master mix ( no micro fluidics required by instrument).
Step 2: The capillary tubes are rotated to the 95 degrees C heater plate and held for ½ minutes to extract DNA from the sample.
Step: 3: The capillary tubes are rotated to the 40 degrees C heater plate where the enzyme is inactivated. At the same time the wax plug is melted releasing the polymerase and initiating the reaction., “Hot start Polymerase”
Step 4: The total solution flows into the lower stem of the capillary tube where it is cycle thru all temperatures 95 degrees C, 40 degrees C, and 60 degrees C for 20-30 cycles.
Step 5: After the last cycle each capillary is rotated to the station located in the center section of the processing station and each capillary tube is read by the fluorimeter individually.